Peter’s Anthology of Landscapes Honored by National Competition in Three Categories Peter’s 528-page exploration of stunning landscapes has barely been released a year, and...
Peter Lik Rewards Lucky Fans with Ultimate Experience in Las Vegas
Contest Winners Set to Receive Incredible Prizes The Win the Ultimate Peter Lik Experience contest has come to a close, leaving multiple fans smiling...
Peter's Epic Book, Equation of Time, Shines in HOW Awards Competition
Peter’s Photography Book Draws Honors for Outstanding Promotional Design The HOW brand, best known for its critically acclaimed design magazine, has just announced the...
LIK USA Employee Spotlight: Federico
Up Close with a Passionate Staffer from Peter’s Framing Crew With 36 years of experience behind him, Federico knows a thing or two about...
Peter Lik’s Fascination Receives ‘Silver’ from AIPP Queensland
The Artist’s Unique Vision of a Sunlit Belgian Forest Earns Fifth Award The Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) – based in Peter’s beloved...
LIK Venetian Celebrates 10th Anniversary!
Peter’s High-End Gallery on The Strip Remains a True Vegas Standout The last decade has just flown by for Peter Lik’s second Las Vegas...
LIK KEY WEST Rallies for Australian Superboat Team
Maritimo Offshore Racing Warmly Welcomed with Evening of Cocktails and Fine Art Hailing all the way from Peter Lik’s neck of the woods, the...
LIK USA Employee Spotlight: Lidia
Meet a Dedicated Member of the Artist’s LIK ELEMENTS Department In recent years, Peter’s collectors have come to “know and love his beautiful LIK...
LIK SOHO Thriving After 8 Years in NYC’s Fine Art Hub
Peter’s Manhattan Gallery Celebrates Anniversary of November 2008 Launch In 2008, Peter opened the LIK SOHO Gallery in heart of The Big Apple’s competitive...
Peter Lik’s Newest Release, Hawaiian Impressions, Funds Worthy Cause
Stunning Island Vision Set to Benefit Friends of Hawaii Charities. Released on Friday, October 14 to the exclusive crowds at Peter’s Hawaiian Galleries –...
Peter Lik's La Jolla Gallery Celebrates Nine Years!
On November 1, 2007, Peter successfully launched his popular, Southern California gallery, just a few steps away from the natural beauty of the Pacific...
Peter Lik Earns Master Photographer Designation from MPIO
Master Photographers International Honors the Artist for Excellence in ‘Fine Art’ Master Photographers International (MPIO), branded as a “Professional Photographers Organization built for photographers,...