
Limited Edition

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Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Seeing the shafts of light in the canyon is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. It was a surreal feeling being surrounded by the towering cliffs. Torrential record rainfalls had flooded the entire gorge and I was warned by park rangers not to enter. A massive extremely treacherous logjam at the start of the gorge had to be overcome. The only way I could capture this special moment of the weeping walls was after an incredibly torrential rain. It was no joke. This river was ripping through there and one wrong move or one log would put me over the edge.

Mist and rain covered the camera, but I fired a few shots. I had to get it. This scene was out of this world. As I stood in awe of the scene, the sun broke through for a few seconds and cast God’s rays into the side lit waterfall. I was in total awe. I took three frames and it was gone. What a place, a challenge, a shot. It was a moment in time no one else would have seen, captured on film.

45 Artist Proof / 950 Limited Edition

Photograph of Sun light shining into the moss covered rock walls of the Columbia River Gorge and the river flowing beneath. | LIK Fine Art