Ocean Dance

Limited Edition

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Maui, Hawaii
There is something really magical about the ocean - I have been drawn to it all my life. As a kid I loved to surf in Australia, sometimes spending the whole day in the water, right till total darkness. It’s like immersing yourself in Mother Nature’s soul. I set out to capture this feeling as close as I could through the lens. The exact location was CRITICAL for this image as I needed depth and clarity - I didn’t want it to look like a standard wave shot. I wanted it side on. Searching the island for weeks for that perfect vantage point was time consuming. Then – waiting for the perfect swell. The formation of “Ocean Dance” was really out of the ordinary – it was created by two waves colliding together – shaped by one wave hitting the cliff causing constructive interference. I stood there for hours mesmerized by the changing patterns of the ocean. I took thousands of exposures – all were so different – but selected this one for my gallery wall. The shape, texture, depth and color all came together in this one frame. When you look closely at this shot it looks like a mermaid flipping her hair back sculpted out of molten glass. 

45 Artist Proof / 950 Limited Edition

Turquoise wave rolling and crashing into the ocean water in Maui Hawaii