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Peter's Miami and Key West Galleries Grab Top Industry Honors

Peter’s Florida Galleries Named ‘Best’ in Nation AND State by American Art Awards

The American Art Awards (AAA), renowned for connecting prominent and respected galleries and museums with artists and enthusiasts all over the globe, has recently selected its top 25 U.S. hot spots of 2018 to include both of the Artist’s Florida galleries, LIK Fine Art Miami and LIK Fine Art Key West. Also dubbed ‘Best’ in the state, these locations now join the ranks of Peter’s New York and Hawaii spots, which have also been recognized by the organization in years past.

Peter, who has spent years developing a passionate connection to the Sunshine State, could not be prouder to receive such prestigious industry acclaim: “Florida has become one of my most beloved landscapes,” he states. “My goal has always been to reflect that in my galleries. I am grateful to AAA for supporting and believing in my vision, and to my talented staff at both spots for helping to share the beauty of our world.”

For the last ten years, AAA has been recognizing prominent galleries all over the country, and since 2016, Peter Lik has been a regular inclusion in its yearly rankings. As usual, AAA’s gracious president, Thom Bierdz, had nothing but praise for the Master Photographer’s galleries in Miami and Key West: “Peter Lik is a remarkable presence in the art world, offering phenomenal works in stunning locations across the states. His artistic and gallery accomplishments wow the collector as well as the industry.

Congrats again, again Pete!

+ Click here to find out more about the American Art Awards.

