Queensland, Australia On the day this image was shot, rain was my constant companion. But mindful that some of my best images benefit from this soft overcast light, I nevertheless set off to trek into the World Heritage Rainforest on Fraser Island. After a few hours of frustration searching for the “elusive image”, I gave up and started my return hike. Suddenly, as if by some source from above, the sun briefly broke through the drizzle and mist and “Gods rays” penetrated the forest canopy. Completely stunned, I quickly set up my camera and tripod, and for a few memorable moments I experienced and captured this miraculous creation of nature.
20 Artist Proof / 200 Limited Edition
Peter Lik Limited Edition Fine Art Prints
Experience the breathtaking, limited edition photography of Peter Lik and LIK Fine Art. From majestic mountaintops to peaceful seashores, immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring wonders of this world.