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Peter Lik Uncovers the Legendary Landscapes of New York

One of the most compelling elements of Peter’s recent fine art photography book, New York, is its visual journey through both the city’s famous landmarks, and its lesser-known locations that only the savviest of locals are wary of.

This incredibly unique collection was only made possibly due to the extensive research and mapping that Peter and his team accomplished for months leading up to his unforgettable experience amidst the wonders of the Big Apple. In this visionary 272-page release, viewers will get a complete look at one of the world’s renowned destination spots.

When Peter first encountered the landscapes of New York City, he was stunned: “There is no possible way I could have captured the grandeur and secrets of NYC without the massive amount of planning we did,” remarked Peter. “For weeks and weeks we looked at hundreds of possible areas before finalizing our schedule. Plus, through some incredibly generous connections, we were able to gain access to so many exclusive locations, like the top of the iconic Empire State building.” Within seven weeks, Peter had successfully explored the far reaches of Manhattan and its outer boroughs – taking in so much of the city’s rich history and monumental architecture.

Peter Lik New York Photography Book

151 images – many published for the first time – line the pages of Peter’s New York, his most in-depth look at the east coast metropolis, which boasts of the most legendary and enchanting skyline in modern history. New York has been masterfully produced by the Artist, who has painstakingly searched out and sourced only the finest artisan materials for its construction. “I consider this book to be a personal journal,” Peter concludes “It reveals a special moment in time, when I combined my unending passion for Mother Nature with my great appreciation for man’s innovation.”

/ Get up close with Peter’s New York
